Day 26

Oct 27, 2022    Pastor Bill Kalina

It is not that Christians are not able to sin, it is that Christians are able to NOT sin.
1 Cor 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
We must recognize that even as we are sanctified and made holy we will continue to face temptation because we are not above our Master, Jesus. However, when we look at the Gospels that tell us the details of Jesus and his temptations when he was fasting in the wilderness, what do we see that Jesus used as a weapon against the enemy? Did he use his almighty divine power, or flashy miracles? No, he used the “sword of the Spirit” -the Word of God! This just so happens to be the same weapon that we possess! Jesus, himself demonstrated for us tactical use of the Word!
This should infuse us with confidence! He defeated the temptation of the enemy with no more and no less than the exact weapon that He left us with!! Wrap your head around that! We hear people say, “Oh but it was easy for him to be perfect, He is God!” He IS God and because of that He knew defeating temptation with anything more than a weapon that we could also use, would leave US no hope of success in defeating temptation this side of Heaven. So rather than throwing Satan out to space or something else that we can’t do, He used the Most Powerful Tool that we have- His Word! Do we recognize the power in the Word? Do we hold it as precious as we should? Have we learned from his example?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for making it possible to defeat the temptations that I face. Help me to recognize them immediately and rely on your Word as my mighty weapon. Holy Spirit teach me and help me to remember the Word and show me what parts I need to memorize now to fight future temptations that I will face.